Neta Espadin-Tepeztate
In the days leading up to the full moon of December 18, 2021, Gilberto harvested 64 piñas of fully ripe Espadín from the rocky red and white parcel of family land just south of Logoche. From his contacts with magueyeros just south in the foothills of the Sierra Madre del Sur, he acquired 120 piñas of wild Tepextate. After roasting the agave with mesquite wood and leaving the earthen oven covered for 15 days, the 4,500kg of caramelized maguey was macerated and the fibers placed into six Montezuma cypress fermentation vats. Twenty-four hours later, the temperatures and aromas indicated that they were ready for water. While Tepextate is generally a fast-fermenting maguey because of its low sugar content, the addition of the high-in-sugar Espadín required an additional eight days of fermentation before the mash was ready to distill. Using a careful blend of heads, hearts, and tails, Gilberto composed a total of 280L at 48% Alc. by Vol.
This batch was selected for its archetypical flavors that reflect that lands, plants, and craftsmanship that went into its production. Through our partners at Mextrade, 240 bottles are now available in Australia.
§ Maguey(es): 50% Espadín + 50% Tepextate
§ Provenance of the maguey: Cultivated Espadín from San Luis Amatlán, wild Tepextate from San Andres Paxtlán
§ Producer: Gilberto Aquino García
§ Region: Logoche, Miahuatlán
§ Date of production: March 2023
§ Soil type: white, rocky cascajo blanco
§ Rest time after harvest: six weeks
§ Oven: Conical earthen oven; 15 days with mesquite wood
§ Rest time after oven: three days
§ Maceration: Machete and mechanical shredder
§ Fermentation: Native yeasts; six 1200L Montezuma cypress sabino wood vats
§ Dry fermentation time: 24 hours
§ Wet fermentation time: eight days
§ Distillation: 2x in copper pot stills
§ Final composition: Heads, hearts, and high proof tails
§ Batch size: 290
§ ABV: 48%
Neta Espadin-Tepeztate

The Agaveria
Mezcal and Tequila goods and crafts where ethically sourced products.

Agaveria sources and stocks only the best, independent agave distillates from Mexico.

Mexican spirit
Rare and collectable vintages for any agave enthusiast or cellar.
Questions and Answers
What does Agaveria means?
Agaveria is the place where to buy spirits made from Agave, such as
Tequila, Mezcal, Raicilla, Sotol and many more. It comes from the two
Spanish words Agave and Eria – from the Latin word that means store. -
What is the difference between Tequila, Mezcal, Sotol and Raicilla?
First, those spirits come from Mexico, and all have Appellation of Origin, better known as Denomination of Origin, meaning that nowhere else in the world can make these spirits and call them such.
The main difference between each one is the specie of Agave used (except for Sotol since it’s not made out of an Agave, but from a plant called Dasylirion or better known as Sotol) own plant and is not an agave) and the place/region/state that is made. There are differences in their process, and each spirit has a unique and distinctive
flavour and character. -
How do I store my spirit?
We recommend you do two things first, store them in a place away from sunlight and significant temperature changes, and second, seal your bottles with clingwrap or parafilm to preserve the alcohol.
The Agaveria
How we do it
Agaveria sources and stocks only the best, independent agave distillates from Mexico.